Vertical Victories for Brands

Welcome to Sidekick Social: a vertical content factory helmed by actor/director Ben Giroux and producer/brand consultant Tiffany Caprice. As a subdivision of Small Red Cape, Sidekick Social brings a modern approach to phone-based content – with the foundation and expertise of more traditional television production. Small screen content made by big screen professionals.
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Frankenstein Content? Ew!

Let’s face it: social media deliverables are usually an “add-on” when a brand invests in a new broadcast TV campaign. All too often, these commercials – written by an ad agency and filmed with cinematic cameras in a traditional landscape aspect ratio – are hastily re-edited for Instagram and TikTok. Trust us, we know: we make TV commercials too!

So we’re constantly preaching the importance of giving “sidekick” social content… the heroic spotlight it deserves. Do you really want your brilliantly clever, funny, well-shot creative to be hacked apart, reformatted, and repurposed online? Holy Social Frankenstein! Heck, that’s not even the kind of content that engages our swipey, Gen-Z attention spans.

From Sidekick to Hero

So what if we reversed this model? What if vertical, social content was the primary focus? This kind of semi-ephemeral, lo-fi, easy-to-digest creative – specifically designed for phone consumption – has long played the secondary “sidekick” to hero television spots. No longer.

Let’s bring your vertical vision to life. From brainstorming concepts to casting talent to efficient production to final deliverables, we’ve got you covered through the entire content creation process. Let’s talk!

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Case Study

Sidekick Social created this mini doc-style featurette for visionary artist Dre Swain of Dre Made Dat. Dre sells custom art globally — and she put her trust in Sidekick Social to launch her Instagram and TikTok presence.

Brands We've Worked With

Why Sidekick Social?

These days, when a brand decides it wants to “go viral,” it will typically enlist the help of Gen-Z influencers – to write, produce, film, and promote their products or services. But that’s a TON of responsibility for a sixteen-year-old TikTok dancer with a loyal internet fanbase. So let’s leave the promotion to the influencers who know their audiences best.

But copywriting? Creating a deep understanding of a brand’s nuances and demographic? Producing a shoot? Equipment, crew, locations, film permits, insurance, payroll, union agreements, casting, editorial, visual effects… who’s going to bring your vertical vision to life?

Sidekick Social has you covered.

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